
Martian Mounds.

Further evidence comes from infrared images of the Martian mounds, which show that they cool down more quickly at night than rock should, suggesting they are made of a fine-grained sediment such as mud.
With this new-found information, I am happy to introduce the "Don't worry about earth" package.
It includes a step-by-step introductory tape explicative of how to reach Mars when the time comes.



first of all,

How much will I earn through this program?

how much will i earn through allowing people to post ads to my profile? therefore gaining profits in correlation to however much activity as a result of their ad on this blog.
i will not allow it.

and on to labyrinths
they rule my life at the moment, drawing them for hours

This is the earliest recovered labyrinth

never ending labyrinths.
Project to unfold, make a labyrinth out of sticks in sand and use lighting to outline the labyrinth at night.
To be walked, the walls will be lit.


Similarly, a dog will fly into the night with saliva pouring down its matted fur.
Similarly, a human will run onto the platform of their ego and stroke it with whatever comes to their mind.
Similarly, turnips turn up at the most inconvenient places, creating a tension.
Similarly, cars will die when the flood reaches three feet.

Similarly, there are those who sit and wait.

